The modern day Enneagram 9 Personality Type Theory: The Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Welcome to the Theory of 3 Personality Types. You are reading this because you are interested in personality types and human behavior.

I’m sure that you are aware of the host of personality type theories littering the digital countryside like the MBTI, Enneagram 9, Type A and B, Big Five…

After you read today’s post you will see how clearly and undoubtedly it is that the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) is an extremely valid, useful tool in understanding human behavior and personality types. Not only that but you will see that given today’s modern world that the Wakefield Doctrine is very helpful and useful as opposed to those other dust-covered subjective-based and observation-based theories.

But more to the point, the Wakefield Doctrine is, in fact, the modern-day version of the Enneagram 9 Theory of Personality.

The following excerpts are taken from an article titled “A Guide to Understanding Yourself and the People Around You” in Natural Society written by Margaret Cochran, Ph.D. The 9 Enneagram Types being the subject.

Have you ever looked at the people you know and work with and wondered why they behave the way they do? Why one person would give you the shirt off their back if you needed it, and another person would argue the importance of having a shirt at all? Why would yet another type of person be chronically over-committed, habitually complain about it and yet persist in cramming still more things into their already-overflowing calendar? What do these very different kinds of people want and how can they be reached? The answer to these questions can be found by using a 9-point system called the Enneagram.

I have to say right off of the bat, the title of the article alone is what caught my eye. I would’ve sworn I was reading the Doctrine!

Those are the questions that people have been striving to answer in order to understand the people around them. And the Wakefield Doctrine has the answer to all of them.

Rather than having to understand/combine 9 characteristic traits, the Wakefield Doctrine is predicated upon just three overlapping distinctive perspectives. It also proposes that our personalities are but a result of our perception, of our habitual responses to the world. The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that this characteristic perception of reality can be grouped into three distinct types, called for reasons stated elsewhere, clarks, scotts and rogers.

Oh yeah, can‘t forget this. The Doctrine will change your entire view of yourself and everyone around you. It is not only a tool for understanding human behavior but also gives you the ability to actually predict how a person will react in any given situation. How frickin’ cool is that?

Again, from the referenced article:

To determine your Enneagram type, you simply need to read the descriptions of each one and select the number that best describes you and your behavioral style.

It is important to understand, as you explore this system, that we each possess all of the nine types of Enneagram energy within us. However, there is one “home point” in which we spend the majority of our “psychological time.”

Damn that familiarity again. Exactly the same as the Doctrine. We all have some of each but it is the predominance of one over the other that determines which of the three we are and our respective  perceptions of reality.

For the purpose of this post we’ll concentrate on clarks, as they have the most Enneagram numbers.

Clarks are “Ones” according to the Enneagram. They are the perfectionists, the givers, the romantics, the observers, the doubters and the dreamers. After you read the following I’ll explain why the Enneagram is so unnecessarily confusing as opposed to the Doctrine which is very specific.

Let’s begin at the beginning with point one, “The Perfectionist.”

“Ones” have extremely high expectations and very specific ideas and ideals about what’s right and what’s not. And with such exacting standards, they are not at all shy about telling those around them that they are “doing it wrong.” Perfectionists have a powerful internal critic, and as hard as they can be on us it’s nothing compared to the demands they make of themselves.

Ones have wings of “Nine – The Mediator” and “Two – The Giver.” As a result, Ones want to help others do it right, and at the same time they may find they have difficulty letting go of unused objects, prioritizing tasks and knowing exactly who they are. The “heart point” of One is “Seven, The Dreamer,” so when they interact with someone or something that is important to them they want to have fun. The “stress point” of One is “Four – The Romantic,” so when a One is unhappy, they are intensely, dramatically and over the top unhappy.

Really??!! Why are there so many strings and connections to determine a person’s personality type? Totally unnecessary.

Now go to the Wakefield Doctrine and have a quick read about the clarks. One personality type with all of the above referenced characteristics.

Come on people! Why does there have to be a number which connects to a bunch of others? It’s ridiculous.

Now go read the pages about the scotts and rogers as well and you will have to come to the same conclusion.

We are predominantly one of three, not 4 of 9 or 2 of 9. And the exercise above proves it. The Wakefield Doctrine is, in fact, more plausible than the Enneagram. What??!!!! Yes, it’s true. The Wakefield Doctrine is the modern-day Enneagram 9 updated to the 21st century. If the creators of the Enneagram 9 were still here today they would, no doubt, change/simplify their theory.

So what the hell is wrong with all of you people who follow the Enneagram ? What the hell are you thinking? That you need to have letters and numbers to know what type of person you are?! I mean, seriously, that’s just a crock of shit. And I know that you know deep down inside that you’re more than that. So stop confusing yourselves for Christ’s sake and get with the program.

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3 Responses to The modern day Enneagram 9 Personality Type Theory: The Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

  1. Pingback: Day 219 – Type Four « A Year Of Living Wisely

  2. Molly M. says:

    This Enneagram thing reminds me of messing with the Chinese Zodiac and Feng Shui. Not that it is not good information, but do you really want to spend all your time chasing down numbers and charts?

What do you think?